What is Wellness Care?

Wellness Care is the ultimate journey on the road to optimal health and well-being. Put simply, Wellness Care is chiropractic care that keeps your body at its peak physical levels by keeping your body’s alignment in perfect tune with where it needs to be. Mis-alignments (subluxations) equal pain, dysfunction, and a host of ailments.

By having routine checks by a trained chiropractor, you can prevent the very pain/problems that brought you to our office in the first place by “heading them off at the pass” rather than allowing them to get out of control (most often leading to pain, dysfunction throughout the body, and lots of time/money to fix).

Think in terms of your vehicle: Routine maintenance is essential to keep a vehicle on the road for the long-term. You can drive a car without changing the oil or timing belt, but eventually that will catch up to the vehicle. You’re living in an amazingly complex human machine that is your vehicle in life; Wellness Care is like treating your body like the Ferrari it is rather than an old, beat up Pinto that is on its last leg.

How often should I visit a chiropractor to achieve Wellness Care?

That depends. For most people, one visit per month is usually the optimal frequency, but it truly varies with each individual’s needs and lifestyles. For instance, those who train and run triathalons should expect more frequent routine Wellness visits because of the stresses and pressures they’re applying to their body, and also because of how important it is to those athletes to maintain top physical and mental output.

Someone whose job requires a lot of heavy lifting is also a classic example in which one visit per month is ideal because of all the stress that lifting puts on the lower and middle back as well as upper body. Ultimately, we will never pressure you one way or the other, but rather we can help you find the level that is perfect for you.

If I don’t “hurt,” why should I continue going to the chiropractor?

Excellent question. Let me respond by asking you this, if you don’t have a toothache do you still go to the dentist for check-ups?  Why do you do this? Because you know that even if you don’t have pain, there could still be a problem (cavity, gingivitis, etc.). You go to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy.  You also go because you know that getting your teeth cleaned prevents problems from occurring in the future.  This is the same for chiropractic care.

Absence of back pain is not an indicator of a healthy spine.  Your chiropractor can check your spine for any mis-alignments (subluxations) that may contribute to future health problems.  Pain is simply an “indicator” that something else is wrong. The message here is that you should not let pain dictate your life. Be proactive and keep pain from ever being a part of your life. You won’t regret it!

Why isn’t Wellness Care covered by insurance?

Ah, the million dollar question. Honestly, the answer likely comes down to insurance companies caring more about their short-term profit objectives rather than the long-term health and cost benefits of their policyholders.  And they do this even as data suggests wellness programs keep ailments away and are far more cost effective and beneficial for the patient. This is evidenced by numerous businesses that now incorporate “in house” wellness programs that save the company money on insurance premiums and for improving the overall health, and productivity of their workers.

Remember this: Your insurance company pays only for certain services, and very rarely pays to keep you healthy.  Do you think it is wise to entrust your health to the insurance companies? Make the right decision, and get on the path to Wellness by treating your body like the finely tuned machine that it can be.

Dr. Elizabeth McClain

Dr. Elizabeth McClain is a Wisconsin native and attended Northwestern Christian College in St. Paul, MN for her first year of undergraduate work. Following this, she moved to St. Louis, MO to attend Logan College of Chiropractic.

While attending Logan, she obtained a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology, a Master of Science in Sports Science and Rehabilitation, and a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. She is board certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners as well as the Indiana State Board.

During her studies at Logan, Dr. McClain also became certified in Applied Kinesiology and as an Internal Health Specialist.


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